Meet The Ambassadors - Meet Caitlin
Welcome to the penultimate installment in our Meet The Ambassador series. Each ambassador brings their own qualities to our team, many selflessly give up their time to give back to hockey, something that is close to our hearts; all get involved in helping us to develop new products with their feedback and ideas.
We thought it would be great for you to see behind the scenes and get to know them a little better. We've given each ambassador 15 quirky questions and asked them to pick their 5 favourite and entertain us with their answers...
Meet Caitlin. We first got to know Caitlin when she applied to our ambassador program last year. Caitlin has a similar passion to us here at eighteen, she is passionate about bringing team sport opportunities to vulnerable children in society. When we saw her application we knew straightaway that she would be a fantastic ambassador and have great links with grassroots sports. Find out a little more about Caitlin and her answers to our quirky questions...
Name : Caitlin
Club : East Glos Ladies Hockey Club
Stick : I use the R70 extreme low bow and I love it! I've scored more goals this short season than ever before and I'm sure it's down to the lightness and extreme low bow of the stick. It's helped improve my speed and skill on the ball no end and so I'm thrilled with it. I took a long time trying out other sticks and this was my favourite every time.
If you could have one magical power what would it be? : Superspeed would be my chosen power! It would be really helpful on the pitch.
What is your favourite film? : My favourite film has to be 'The Gentleman'. It's a cracking Guy Ritchie gangster movie.
Do you have a nickname, if so what is it and where did it come from? : I did have a nickname at school! I was called 'Panda' because of my dark eye make up!
One random fact about me : I'm petrified of Henry Hoovers!
Friday night - stay in or go out? : I'd rather go out on a late night adventure - out to do some urban exploring or go for a long drive.
So, there we have Caitlin, petrified of Henry hoovers - or is that code for I don't like housework? Perhaps we should ask her housemates! Caitlin is one of our super ambassadors that helps to give back to grassroots sports in her local area, for which we applaude her.
Next week our youngest ambassador... Meet Harry.